Thursday, January 9, 2014

White Rain Shampoo in Apple Blossom

Price: I bought a Case 4 years ago for $12, so that's around $2 a bottle, but I'm sure it can be found for under a buck. ($1)

This product is not new, but I couldn't remember if I ever reviewed it or not, so I'm gonna do it now. LoL! I actually bought this product for DH.. A LOT of this product.. A small case of 6 bottles. Now DH washes his hair whenever and doesn't have much of it, so this would last him a LIFETIME! I bought it for him because he said when he use to use it, it seemed to be slowing his hair loss and he likes the smell of it. So I hunted and shopped around until I found him a case of it for about $12. This was about 4 years ago, and we still have it. I've used it a few times on my hair, but was still listening to the hype that I need a "better" shampoo, so I used it, liked it, but decided to move on..

Until now. I'm back on it and I am happy with it. First thing, the smell is divine! It smells like crisp green apples and has a vibrant green colour to boot. Being in a clear bottle, I must say it all looks rather clean and  well... NATURAL. The bottles are 18 oz bottles and you get so much lather from like a tablespoon of the stuff that it will last the thickest head a year per bottle! It's not a sulfate free shampoo, but I'm not following curly girl anymore, so that's fine for now. It doesn't really have any cones, but does have "nones" at the very end of the ingredient list. It actually contains fruit extracts and (for some reason.) sugarcane extract. I just love when products use actual foods and they are not at the bottom of the list. Now this product was from years ago, so the formula may have changed since I bought it, and probably since DH was buying it. (He was getting that little white bottle it use to come in. I use to love it  in peaches n cream. Smelled YUMMY!) But it works really well. My hair didn't feel stripped or overly dry, it was soft and fluffy.Which I like in a shampoo.PLUS, no excess shedding after I lathered up.. My hair with the new stuff isn't really shedding much- Well, THIS week it didn't, but I'll post that in another post. :)

This review isn't gonna be lone, because what to say? It's a sulfate shampoo that smells like apple scented heaven that DH feels stops hair loss. Simple stuff. :p Will I repurchase this? YES I plan to buy another case if I can find it and maybe I'll look for the peach as well. Which I will review.. LoL!!

What can I say.. The stuff is effective, non drying, and smells wonderful. :) A keeper..



Jen :D

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